American men of a certain generation (that is: mine) cannot play volleyball without a bit of irony, thinking of the famously incongruous scene in the movie Top Gun where Tom Cruise and his buddies spend a few uncomfortable moments playing sweaty, shirtless beach volleyball, whilst grunting and diving all over each other. Safe to say, the boys at JM have never seen Top Gun, or if they have it has not affected the gravity with which they approach the sport. On Thursday and Friday last week, the Class IX and X boys played in a surprisingly competitive volleyball tournament. Four teams, round-robin style. An ultimate victor crowned in the final game Friday afternoon. The entire school let out of class so students could crowd themselves around the courtyard in hushed, anticipatory groups to watch the action, letting out high-pitched vibrating screams whenever a good play occurred.
I snapped a few pictures during the 'championship' match on Friday.
The game, viewed from the second-floor balcony.
Students intently watching from the second floor.
Students packed into the front patio to watch the game in the courtyard.
Students dragged benches out of their classrooms so they could be more comfortable watching the match from the patio area.
Teachers announced the lineups and the score over teh PA system and handed out trophies after the tournament.
A red flag suddenly appeared moments after the 'red team' won the championship. Students--many of whom had not played--mobbed each other like the Berlin Wall was falling down again.
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