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Friday, February 11, 2011

Faces of Payannangadi

The youth of Payannangadi: some boys who live in the houses behind our flat. The boy in the navy blue shirt in the middle and the one in the neon blue shirt in the left corner attend JM.

With just a little more than a week left in Tirur, Jenna and I are starting to take stock of our surroundings here. For the past four months we have lived in a district of Tirur called Payannangadi. We have gotten to know our neighbors pretty well despite the language barrier, and we have come to realize we will miss them once we leave. Followers of this blog deserve a closer glimpse at the faces we have come to know, trust, and depend upon in our time in Kerala.

The Watchman: Mohammed Ali (named for the prophet, not the boxer) is a retired businessman who spends his days hovering around Payannangadi, keeping a lookout for anything out of the ordinary. A good man to have in your corner.

Party boys: Anshawd (on the left) helps his father with an electronic repair business; Shafik (in the middle) helps his brother Anwar (pictured later) run the corner store, and Rafi operates a clothing store in Tirur's central market.

Chai-wallah: Mammooty runs a small tea stall right outside our flat. He has been doing it for more than 30 years.

Aneef owns Zain Bakery, a new establishment that serves delicious fruit shakes and shawarma (diced chiken in pita bread.)

Anwar runs the corner store where we buy most of our groceries, including milk and biscuits everyday for afternoon tea.

The barber Hamza, who has cut my hair a couple of times in Tirur. He speaks very little English but does a wonderful job going off old pictures of my with shorter hair.

The Internet guy: probably our best friend in Tirur, Nahas the manager of Netway Computers, the Internet cafe Jenna and I frequent daily.

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